Описание: http://sacrud.readthedocs.org/
Что нового?
* в расширении для pyramid параметр "sacrud_models" переименован в "sacrud.models"
* "sacrud.models" теперь словарь, а не список:
settings['sacrud.models'] = { 'Company': [Company, User, EmployeeType], 'Auth': [Group, GroupPermission, UserGroup, GroupResourcePermission, Resource, UserPermission, UserResourcePermission, ExternalIdentity], '': [Company] }
* тесты исправлены для Pyramid 1.5:
Removed the ability to influence and query a pyramid.request.Request object as if it were a dictionary. Previously it was possible to use methods like __getitem__, get, items, and other dictlike methods to access values in the WSGI environment. This behavior had been deprecated since Pyramid 1.1. Use methods of request.environ (a real dictionary) instead.
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