17 февраля 2013

ThinkPad управление музыкой с помощью HDAPS

Хорошая статья из Ынтернета как управлять плеером cups наклоняя ноутбук.
Ссылка на оригинал

Сначала установим HDAPS
sudo apt-get install tp-smapi-dkms hdapsd

Затем проверим
cat /sys/devices/platform/hdaps/position

И запустим следующий скрипт на Python
import time, subprocess

class Orientation(object):
    def __init__(self, readfreq=1):
        self.x_init, self.y_init = self.read()
        self.x_hist = []
        self.y_hist = []

        # read in some values to smooth movement

        # cooldown makes sure only a single command
        # is executed in one movement
        self.cooldown = 0

    def read(self):
        f = open('/sys/bus/platform/devices/hdaps/position')
        s = f.read().strip()
        x, y = s.strip('()').split(',')

        return int(x), int(y)

    def collect(self, n=10):
        # change n for smoothing over longer period
        while len(self.x_hist) < n+1:
            coords = self.read()

    def x_avg(self):
        return sum(self.x_hist)/len(self.x_hist)

    def y_avg(self):
        return sum(self.y_hist)/len(self.y_hist)

    def tick(self, timeout=0.1):
        # timeout provides the period between "ticks", i.e.
        # the frequency of reads and checks on thresholds

        self.update() # read in and process new position

        # if not in cooldown period, check if thresholds are
        # triggerd, and possibly execute a command
        if not self.cooldown:
        else: # reduce cooldown periode every tick
            self.cooldown = self.cooldown - 1


    def update(self):
        self.x, self.y = self.read()

        # position relative to the moving average position
        self.x_rel, self.y_rel = o.x - o.x_avg, o.y - o.y_avg

        # keep a stack of n observations by popping the first
        # and appending to the end

    def tresholds(self, x_min=-30, x_max=30, y_min=-30, y_max=30):
        # check if thresholds are triggerd, turns a tuple with
        # four True/False values

        triggered = (self.x_rel < x_min, self.x_rel > x_max,
                self.y_rel < y_min, self.y_rel > y_max)

        return triggered

    def execute(self):
        t = self.tresholds()
        if t == (True, False, False, False):
            print 'Detected a forward tilt'
            subprocess.call(['cmus-remote', '-v', '-10%'])
            self.cooldown = 10

        if t == (False, True, False, False):
            print 'Detected a backward tilt'
            subprocess.call(['cmus-remote', '-v', '+10%'])
            self.cooldown = 10

        if t == (False, False, True, False):
            print 'Detected a left tilt'
            subprocess.call(['cmus-remote', '-u'])
            self.cooldown = 10

        if t == (False, False, False, True):
            print 'Detected a right tilt'
            subprocess.call(['cmus-remote', '-n'])
            self.cooldown = 10

if __name__ == '__main__':
    o = Orientation()
    while True:
        #print o.x_rel, o.y_rel, o.cooldown

Все теперь можно запускать cups и баловаться.

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