apt-get install graphviz pip install sqlalchemy_schemadisplayДалее читаем доки SQLAlchemy Schema Display
Для Ъ:
Схема БД строится на основании данных базы.
from sqlalchemy import MetaData from sqlalchemy_schemadisplay import create_schema_graph # create the pydot graph object by autoloading all tables via a bound metadata object graph = create_schema_graph(metadata=MetaData('postgres://user:pwd@host/database'), show_datatypes=False, # The image would get nasty big if we'd show the datatypes show_indexes=False, # ditto for indexes rankdir='LR', # From left to right (instead of top to bottom) concentrate=False # Don't try to join the relation lines together ) graph.write_png('dbschema.png') # write out the file
Схема БД Postgres |
Схема UML строится по моделям проекта.
from myapp import model from sqlalchemy_schemadisplay import create_uml_graph from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper # lets find all the mappers in our model mappers = [] for attr in dir(model): if attr[0] == '_': continue try: cls = getattr(model, attr) mappers.append(class_mapper(cls)) except: pass # pass them to the function and set some formatting options graph = create_uml_graph(mappers, show_operations=False, # not necessary in this case show_multiplicity_one=False # some people like to see the ones, some don't ) graph.write_png('schema.png') # write out the file
Схема моделей в Pylons |
Для Django кодеров есть модуль django-extension который добавляет много полезных команд для manage.py. Вот мой вариант скрипта для Django:project_dir/_visualozation/visualized.sh
curent_d="`date +%H%M_%d%m%y`" exec python ../manage.py graph_models -a -g -o scheme_of_$curent_d.png
пример django-extension + graphviz |
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